Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hello, I'm back. Trial has ended today but the real scary external examination is coming two weeks later. Not sure if I should stop blogging and start studying or continue with it. If you are still reading it now then the second statement is true and you may ignore me. LOL I have no idea with what I'm saying.

Feeling ultra boh mood now. Aikz. I don't know if it is my problem or the other way round. Sometimes I wonder, is it people around me are changing too fast or it's just me being ignorant and refuse to improve. I really don't know how to differentiate it and at some point, I feel not awesome because, I practically have no life.

Sometimes I do feel like I'm giving in too much for academic. And I often ask myself, does this worth my time and even my bf got neglected every time I'm studying. Bla bla bla... Not gonna elaborate more on this self-conflict thingy but seriously, I don't feel like, I'm living the way I want.

And even if people around my start to change, I will still keep myself at the right track and I will never regret with what I'm doing now. True self will not be shown once I start to feel someone is changing.  Idk.

But to be happy, I still have them, whom I can still be myself when I'm with them + a stress-free condition. I'm blessed. *Thank you Jesus*
My one and only fans Vinson Choong. HAHAHA Seriously, I can burst into tears, laugh like an insane and talk those alien stuff when I'm with him. I can ask him the same question like for 1000000 times but he will always entertain me (Sorry for being annoying) I don't mind even if I hang out with him without dolling up because he will never bother about it.

Flashback :
the usual camwhore session....

with this Stick-Together-Forever thingy :D
I do miss my friends in high school and my sis. Life is so simple that time. :')

A Big Big love to my family, simply just because they will always be true to me.

Have a good day (night)

Current addiction :

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